After some weeks flying in and out of London Stansted, it's been a bit of a blur. But an inspiring blur. Barcelona was buzzing with artistic energy. Art was breathing through the graffiti and the festivals were alive with creativity.
London's modern take is a bit more stilted but no less impressive. In between the giant public spaces are an overwhelming plethora of venues to watch the latest art spring forth. Satchi held me for a few hours showing off the newest expressionism oozing from the States and the Tate Modern's entrance looks like you're in an inverted Titanic before she ran into Pingu's house.
But Berlin is the Queen.

She has art in every flake of plaster, in every glued poster and every hasty

stencil. The walls are covered with expression from the lude to the beautiful. Screaming kids and goggley eyed aliens, a girl pointing a wand at a star and an astronaut with a gasmask. Fish sculpted into the walls, toilets without an inch of raw paint, whole shops painted in rainbows and working 10" pink sewage pipes coming out of the ground like some sort of steel loch ness Flying Circus sketch. The people too lo

oked like they dropped out of "Brazil" and I'm sure Mr. Gilliam spent some years either living here or building this city.
I must go back. I had about 1 billion ideas while I was there and the air of Cambridge has almost dried them up. On that note I'll say danke und tschuess!
Enjoy the pictures of my next few paintings and a slightly better version of Chiara. I'm opening up for more photo contributions. No subject this time I just want any picture you'd like to make into a painting. :)